So Meghan is living with us now, and I've been doing long runs with her.
Did 10.42 miles last night in 1:18. 7:49 pace. fucking crazy. never would have thunk it.

Biking at lunch today. Maybe some hill sprints. Haha im loving this sport man.

Becoming Ironman (Parts 1-6)

There are 10 parts in total. Go to Youtube.

I got myself a pair of real running sneakers this weekend. I had enough of running in the race flats. $125 later here is what I emerged with.

Soooooooo much better.

I also think I found the sweet spot on the bike for riding aero and regular and I got a tri seat. Longer nose and the nose is really soft gel. Better. Not perfect but better.

Need to find a new place to swim. The place I regular is now closed for the summer. Bullish.

2 weeks baby!!

Meet the new edition to my running collection. Men's Saucony Pro-Rigid Hurricane 10. This is my new set of training shoes. I am suffering from the worst case of shin splints that I have ever had in my entire life, so I decided that I need to stop running in a pair or shitty NIKE+, $30 running shoes. It was time to step up my game.

I got fitted for the shoe and they sized me up. The guy was telling me that I didn't overpronate and I didn't have flat feet, so I probably needed a shoe with medium support with a neutral sole.

I tried on approximately 17 pairs of shoes and then came up with these. They were a little pricey, but hopefully they will get me through the training runs without any pain and suffering. I want to also get a pair of racing flats for the 5k's and the triathlons.

I have lined up a couple more races before the triathlon.

We need to find a couple of races that are up in the Boston area, so that you don't have to keep travelling like crazy. We have already done two races in NY. Let's set up a race in Boston soon.

whoa. we did an eerily similar workout last night at swimming. I don't know why i dread swimming so much. Before I go, I just HATE the thought of it. Then, once I'm there and settle down after the warm-up, everything goes just fine. I need to take some calm-the-fuck-down pills or something. I have a sickness.
200 warmup
400 drills (w/fins)
3x200 progressively faster (negative splits)
2x100 sprints (85% first 50, 90% second 50)
100 cool down

I think we need to get into the ocean, stat. I want to go to Sports Authority and pick up some fins. Do some body surfing at Long Beach and just get used to the wetstuit+saltwater+waves combo. Depending on the weather, we could try to get into the ocean on saturday instead of the Tri-shop. (however, I'm always down for the motorbikes, should the opportunity present itself) Let's play it by ear, but bring home your wetsuit if you're even the slightest bit interested.
The second pair is the kind we use at swim practice, so I wouldn't mind picking up a pair of the 'Zoomers', i guess they're called. But I can't attest to how well they would work in the ocean.

At this point, I think you have turned into a one-man-running-machine. Even jon is afraid to race you, and he used to be the fastest of all of us in HS. I'm seriously really impressed with your times, dude. I think you could definitely beat 22 minutes. Especially if you were running that 2.4miler so quickly. Tempo runs are the tits, huh?
I don't think I want to set any goals for myself, time-wise, even though subconsciously I'm already having anxiety about it. I'll just go out there and have fun.... I didn't do too much of that in HS, and I don't really want to relive that situation. But, I definitely think you are in the right shape to pound out at least a 22. Let's break it down for you. Any ideas on how you want to split?
1st mile = 8:00
2nd mile = 6:30
3rd mile = 7:30
1st = 7:00
2nd = 7:00
3rd= 8:00
I think you could go......
Mile Race
Ok, and just to shut you up from always saying that you can't run fast, I'm going to insist that we run a mile race on a track by the end of the summer. I am going to rabbit the first 3/4 of the race for you and you are going to run a sub 5:00 mile...... without a problem. I'll get my brother to race it with us too. He could just get off the couch and run a sub-5. He's the craziest of them all.
So there is a triathlon store called SunriseTri ( in west babylon. We should go check it out on saturday if we get a chance. We could take the motorbikes.

Went swimming at lunch today. Felt real good. Not good enough yet, but getting there.
200yd warmup
3 x 200yd at race pace. about 2 minute break in between
200 yd breathing every 5 strokes (i normally breath every three)
200 yd breathing every 7 strokes
100 yd cool down

Baby baby

On saturday, I did a tempo run and clocked in about 5.5 miles in 44 min. Then went out for 22 miles at a good pace 20+mph.

Took sunday off.

Will go for a run tonight.

Im coming for you on saturday. haha riggghhht
although I did do a 2.4mile run in 16:33 last week. OK for an overweight portuguese. : ) I just hope getting home late on Friday doesn't kill me for saturday morning.
thats a nice pedal bike.

I got the aero bars on before I went for the ride at lunch. I like them. Not sure if I was able to ride faster or if they made me more tired, but might just take a little getting used to. Might need to move my seat forward a bit too.

I ran a loop I always do as hard as i could last night. 2.4 miles. 16:33. not too shabby for me. 5k in 22 looks achievable. its gonna hurt. but hurt so good when I pass that finish line.
I went to put them on the bike this morning because I am riding today at lunch time, but they dont fit around my fat handle bars. Either need to get longer screws or maybe have the guys in the shop whip up some new brackets for me.

You coming up tonight? the 25th.
I think I'm in love. Its the 2008 Cervelo P2C Ultegra. It only costs $2500 and it comes totally kitted out. I think I might sell my motorcycle and purchase this wonderful thing.

Ok, maybe not. But maybe I will invest in a sick set of Aerobars. Speaking of, did you ever get a chance to put your's on your bike?
yo yo. So i think I'm going to bring my bike up to Beantown this weekend. Let's definately try to get out for a ride, if your down. Does your bro want me to bring up the fixed gear too? It will probably fit with the other one, no problem.

In other news..... I have my mountain bike ready for Jon Martins, did you end up finding your mom's bike for nora? Instead of the mountain bike, we should make jon ride the fixed gear for the whole 42 miles.

and..... break.
you are a motherfucking maniac. I LOVE IT.

you addicted to this yet? The biking is tooo much fun. I'm so happy i bought a bike.
what's the plan for this weekend? Tempo run on saturday? The girls wanted to do a scavenger hunt/pub crawl on saturday. They said you are required to be there, but i didn't want to get their hopes up cause i know you have the family situation this weekend. whats the sched?

also, let's prep the (motor) bikes on saturday morning? no? its over 60 degrees today and it's just supposed to keep getting warmer! oh baby.
27 mile bike in the hills just now. man I feel like im floating right now. going to put in a run tonight as well.
swam monday for about 30 min

yesterday - swam for about 45 minutes. ran 4.2 miles.

more swim today

bike and run tomorrow

swim again on friday

I want to get out in open water. to damn cold though. sucks
busted out 3.5 miles in about 30 min. ma-dukes is in training for the 5k. oh boy.

I have to get that Mountain bike out and ready for this 5 Boro Bike tour. What's the bike situation? Are you getting Nora a bike and I'm getting Jon a bike?
it was about $114, all said and done.
i got the jersey and the jacket on sale, so I was particularly proud of myself. Now all I have to get is some sweet, sweet spandex pants.
Hahaha Sweet. What did that all run you?

Spent the last three days resting because I got sick from the race.
Think I am good now.
Went Biking at lunch. 16.6 miles in 1hr
Put up ~3 mile run tonight
I went bicycle purchasing yesterday. Things that I purchased include:
  1. A sweet blue and black cycling jacket. with pockets on the back. and a special pocket for my ipod.
  2. A even more sweet adidas cycling jersey. with pockets on the back.
  3. Very radical shoe toe covers that can be used during a racing situation. I rode with them yesterday and my toes were very very toasty. Toasty toes. Very nice.

all signed up for the 5 Boro Bike Tour and ready to go. Now I just have to start training for the 40+ miles. oh boy.

PS> let's talk to jon and con him into doing it.
Swam 30 minutes yesterday. also ran 2.5 miles.
Bikes about 18 miles in the hills today.

Taking tomorrow completely off.
Shitty man. My new kicks felt great yesterday. These are them.|46&pid=01759:408&g=m

I've been taking a different approach. After all that heavy riding and running over the weekend, i decided to keep moving but lightly this week. I swam on Monday, swam and ran 2.5 yesterday, swimming again today as well as a sexy date tonight, then hopefully biking and running tomorrow. Friday completely off. Very light ride through the course on sat. race my ass off Sunday. Don't know if this is the right way to do it, but we will see. I hope so. I set my goal to complete the entire event in 1 hr 21 minutes. Plan: 2 miles in 15 min, 12 miles + transitions in 50 min, 2 miles in 16 min. Try and achieve that this year. Next year? I am taking it all. ahhhh

I am really excited for this race. I need to practice my transitions. At the very least on saturday. Its so cold and rainy up here this week. Bull shit.
iced the shins for about 2 hours last night.... after a quick 5miler. Tried to run as fast as I could to race pace (maybe faster) just to get an idea about what it's going to feel like.

It was a little scary. I ran 2.5 in approx 16:30 and then back (another 2.5) in 15:45. This was with a 5 minute break in between. The reasoning for this break and the fast running? I have no idea. I just felt like the right thing to do (in my heart). Also, i cried afterwards.

but seriously, the shins were aching pretty badly, so I switched back to my old running shoes and stopped wearing those stupid dress shoes. Now I have to go, during lunch, and see if i can score a pair of decent dress shoes. Fuck, fuck, fuck the fashion police.

Whats the dillio kid?

Hows the shin?
Hows the bike and components?

Training over weekend.
Sat- 3.1 mile run followed by 22 mile bike
Sun- 12.5 mile bike followed by 5.15 mile run

Gotta start making some plans and arrangements for this weekend. My cousin Yvonne lives about 10 blocks from the transition area so I am going to ask her some details.
Awesome. Let me know how the build and the ride go.

Shitty. Do whatever you need to do to get that thing feeling better for next sunday. I just ordered new shoes. I hope they will be OK and won't cause me problems.

the bike did come. what what!
the sad part is that I had to go out for Brenna's birthday so I didn't get back to LI to see it until 1:30am. I did try on the shoes and the helmet though. they both fit perfectly (thank god).

So hopefully tonight will be the night. I want to try to put this thing togeter asap. It looks oh, so beautiful in the box. If not tonight, than definitely tomorrow morning. I'll be damned if I can't take it for a ride tomorrow.

dude, don't worry about the timing on the run. you just gotta get a good base in before we can start working on the speed. You just have to run lots and lots and lots of miles now and then when it's starting to get closer to the actual race, you can start doing more speed intensive training..... like mile repeats, or half mile repeats.

In other news, my left shin is KILLING me. It hurts to walk, let alone run. I have been housing Ibuprofen like it's my job. I have it narrowed down to two scenarios.

Scenario#1: I an getting painful shin splints from my running shoes. I made the mistake of buying Nike+ shoes instead of buying real running shoes and they are hurting my calves. The calf muscle may be bruised/sore. I have also neglected to focus on stretching, so I could just be a huge douchebag and should have stretched more.

Scenario#2: Due to my constant pounding on pavement (instead of running on soft grass, etc) and my lack of real shoes... I have given myself a stress fracture in my shin. This scenario is certainly a much slimmer chance, but it feels like the pain is coming more from the bone than the muscle. It reminds me of how it felt when I had broken my thumb. Balls. It's certainly not broken, but it could be a stress/compression fracture or just a bruised shin. It doesn't hurt if i put pressure on the calf, but it does hurt when i put pressure on the shin (with my fingers).
You bike come in?

I swam for 40 minutes yesterday.
Then ran 4.86 miles in 43:11. I am soooo slow.

Hows the bike? Hows the bike?
OH! and my bike and associated equipment is due to come in sometime tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out. Hopefully going the economical way didn't fuck me.

T-Minus 11 days until the first race of the season. Try to find a good 5K in Boston for sometime before the Triathlon. Let's start doing at least one race a month, if we can. BOO YA!


Here's a recap, due to my lack of posting...

Sunday: Run - 7.2 miles in 65:00
Monday: Swim - 100m warmup, 600m drills, 4x100m
Tuesday: Run - 6.29 miles in 45 minutes
Tonight: Swimming again! Hooray!

Want to hear something ridiculous. I think I'm getting seasick from swimming. I'm going to try out ear-plugs tonight since my coach says its probably cause the water is sloshing around in the inside of my ears. I bet you that is why I get so green when I'm surfing too. I'm such a big pussy, it's out of control.
did 15 miles on the bike today.
Muay thai tonight.
Did it again yesterday. this time biked first for 45 minutes then went for a run. 2.61 miles in 20:40.

I went swimming at lunch today. 1 hr. did something like 50+ laps i think. did the first 45 minutes with a float between my legs. Then did 15 minutes with out the float. Just a matter of figuring out a pace that I can handle. I found it today.

Running when I get home. We'll see how long. And hopefully it doesn't start raining.

Forced Run

After feeling grossly undermotivated yesterday, I strapped on the running shoes and went for a run. I think I definitely have OCD. I started to realize that I was counting to 100 (by ones) over and over again in order to keep pace. Sort of like singing a song, but in actuality I was just counting every third step. Weird. I might need to talk to someone.

Anyway. 5.52miles in 39:20
Hey man. sorry for the missed few days. Been kind of busy.

I am glad to hear you enjoyed Rome. St. Peters is sick and being that it was build by fucking hand so many years ago, it is truly amazing.

On Monday I swam for 1 hr. Not constant.
Tuesday - Biked 15.3 miles and ran 3 miles.
Wednesday - swam for 50 minutes (non stop- ill explain below) and ran 3.5 miles.
thursday - going swimming again today and Muay Thai tonight.

So what I have come to realize through studying my pace and heart rate and all that good stuff, is that when I bike and run and a medium clip, my heart rate is really high. Between 160 and 170. this requires me to breathe heavily. It doesnt effect me in the run or bike (as drastically) as in the swim because I am limited to air of course. So I just have to keep at it till my heart and lungs get stronger and don't get so strained so easily. What I did yesterday and will do again today is put a float between my legs and not kick. Work at my form and go slow (painfully slow) and I can swim all day. So, verdict is that I can swim fine and my muscles can handle it no problem, just my lungs and heart (not ever being trained this way) need to catch up and not work so hard when I'm exerting energy. Problem is, that takes time and I don't have that much time but i am going to work with what i got and try and make it better. Moral of the story is I need to go slow so that I don't get short of breathe and can go the distance. Get my heart in shape and then work on my speed.

bummer but the price needs to be paid.

Ive been doing pussups and pullups and stuff till failure every night this week. Made a deal with myself to do them every night and record my progress. You should try it. Pretty sweet.
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ!
I think I almost drowned last night. We swam so ridiculously hard in this workout. It was ABSURD. But seriously, I almost drowned.

100m Warm-up
100m Just right arm
100m Just left arm
10x 25m Sprints
6x 100m Repeats (25 second rest between sets)

Needless to say, I only made it through 4 of the 6x100m and felt like i was going to need emergency CPR, but still, that was ruthless. So if my arithmatic hasn't failed me, thats a 950m workout. Hooray! I finally was able to swim the distance of the race... even if not consecutively.
hey dude. it was really really good. rome is probably one of the most epic cities that i have ever been too. everything was so old... and HUGE. every once and a while it would hit me that the church I was standing in was over 2000 years old. So weird.

The women were not as beautiful as I expected, but everyone was pretty friendly, nonetheless. And the wine flowed like beer, so that was also amazing.

As far as Myrtle Beach goes, I think at this point I'm definitely not gonna go. I think you may be right about it being skeezy, and I'm not really into paying alot of money just to go around with some dirty biker dudes and trashy women. I would most definitely be down for a bike/camping trip. I think that would be tiiiight. Real good to hear that Cas got the GSXR. I feel like he's gonna have alot of fun on that thing.

Had to skip swimming last night, I was vommitting all over the town. I meant to write back to you yesterday during work, but i felt so miserable, i couldnt bring myself to type. Anyway, today I'm going to try to get out and bike maybe 16-20 miles and then try to get some running in right after that. Who knows how it will pan out... but I'm intending to give it a shot.

How did the workout go yesterday?
So how was it mang? What did you do there? how was going with your bro? On a side note of your brother, did he get in trouble with the cops in NYC the night of Toms bday party? something about smoking gods green plants.

So as far as Myrtle Beach goes, I couldn't really find to much info on it. To be completely honest, I am not really sure I want to go. It seems really skeeve. What I did find out last week is that Cass got a bike. Brand new GSXR 1000. Crazy bastard. So what I had thrown out there would be to have him and Faass (and maybe Boffi is he has his license) to come down to LI for a weekend. We ride out to meet Lang, then ride to Montauk and camp or something. Chill and drink and then ride back. Would you be interested in something like that? Or maybe we can all chill at Langs place but ride out to Montauk or orient for the day. Cruize a long the water. Let me know your thoughts.
whoaaaa! jet lag.

im back in the USSA (<-- beatles reference?) and it is very niiice. start back to the regular training tonight. got swimming tonight at 8, so I might try to get there a little early and put in some miles before the workout in the pool. gotta get back on the horse as quickly as possible.

also, gonna try to order up that bicycle today, if possible. if not, tomorrow. hooray!

how you feeling? also, any verdict on myrtle beach?
So after about a week and a half off of training from being sick, I started up again yesterday and well all out.
Ran 3 miles in the morning
Biked 17 miles at lunch (w/ new bike which is fucking awesome)
Muay Thai at night

I'm a little sore today.
Off to the pool right now.

Hope your having fun in Rome you bitch!!
your a bastard. Thats about 10 minutes faster than me.

each lap of the track is a mile?

forced myself to go running tonight. this was the first time with my watch. soo that turned out to be pretty sweet. at least now i know where i stand. i ran to a track (.875mi) and then around the track thrice... and then back (.875mi) continuously without stopping. stretched after the run.
Wanna do a 5 mile run up here on sun. May 18th.

$17 with BBQ after. Check it out.

that is awesome. that sounds like a really solid run. you're keeping track of all of your runs, right? it's cool to look back and see all of the progress you've made as you go along. thats the best part about this blog, don't cha know?

the shitty part is that yesterday, i got home, yet again, after 9:30pm... so I was unable to get a run/swim/bike in. I really can't bring myself to wake up before 5 to go running. I am in some dire need of motivation. I think tonight is gonna be my night to go for a couple miles. I need to get my ass into gear.

PS> i've tried calling jon two or three times, to no avail. I am almost positive he is not gonna be doing the races with us. we might as well drop it. i think you and I are the only two morons/psychos who enjoy this sort of self-inflicted torture.
yo yo had an awesome run (for me) just now. I guess I can consider it my "PBR" as I like to call it (personal best record, not pabst blue ribbon you silly goose).
Here are the details. (man I love this watch)

Total mileage - 5
Total time - 44:50
Avg Pace - 8:58/mi
Avg HR - 166 bpm
Max Pace - 5:50/mi
Max HR - 181 bpm

Break Down:
First Mile (Goal:Warmup) - 9:26
3 Mile Run (Goal: Run in sub 8 min pace) - first half 11:54 @ avg. 7:58/mi
second half 12:41 @ avg. 8:26/mi
Last Mile (Goal:CoolDown) - 10:44

I ran this at work so its pretty hilly terrain which is what made it a lot tougher, but I am improving. I felt pretty good through out the whole run and felt great when I finished. I can actually walk. I know this isn't good by any running standards, but I impressed myself. Sub 7:00/mile here I come. Hopefully by March 30th.

Tonight......... biking.

thats awesome man. just did 1200 meters myself in spurts of 150 meters. next week spurts of 200 meters. were you wearing those sexy trunks?
any pointers you want to give me? hmmmmmmmm
hey. really busy morning.

bike looks awesome. im very jealous. gotta order mine after the next paycheck.
can you hitme up with that link at some point. i'll do it as soon as i get the link. survey and all.
we're a go for this weekend in boston. at least 4 girls + me. we should let darius, clayton and the boys know what's up. i'll call jon-boy during lunch.

got swimming lessons last night! sooo much better. i was able to swim over 1000 meters no problem. amazing what you can do when you fix your stroke and someone is there to push you to swim FASTER! FASTER! FASTER!

PS> i want to get some fins and start bodysurfing when the weather gets nicer. that will be good training for the open-water swim.
I'm signed up. Make sure you complete the survey at the end.
I am signing up for the LI Gold coast Tri right now. Do that shit soon.
Talk to Jon and see if he will do the duathlon.
Shes built. I rode here on the trainer last night and the seat i have on there hurts sooooooo bad. I need a different one.

ahhh i need to take a shit. Ill be back.
swam for 30 minutes today

my bike is in. Its sweet. going to start building it this weekend.
im so excited.

oh p.s. - mens squash upset Denison today 5-4. The worst they can finish now is 20. St Law or Stanford tomorrow. Pretty sick.
yesterday.... all my training seemed so farrrr away.
now it seems like it is hear to say....
oh yesterday... was drunkenly.

i didnt do shit, except for some beer lifts. my elbow/shoulder got a good workout.
just did 15.37 miles on the bike.
burned a whopping 1225 calories.

My bike and parts get in tomorrow. oooooooo baby

you can get that jersey. It aint my style. haha

Race Team Jerseys

Nothing says class like a short sleeved, faux-finish tuxedo shirt.
we NEED to get jerseys like this for our races. NEED.
its an actual cycling jersey with the pockets in the back and the zipper in the front.

Thats not too shabby bro. you still have a long time till the race so dont get nervous yet. As long as your improving. I dont think I can do 28 straight yet. Maybe 10.

The frame is in transit. Should be getting in tomorrow. This bike will cost me, when all is said and done, $300 to $350. Can't complain.
swimming..... 2 lap warm up
28 laps in 17:41. averaging 00:38seconds per lap.

who knows if that's good or bad, but it still means that I haven't yet swam 800 meters continuously. that scares me.

did your bike come in yet?
Take a look at this tri in september.
Hyannis Sprint 2 tri

on the cape
looks legit.

My bike shipped today. yippy.
when you say laps do you mean there and back counts as one? or there and back is two?
did 26-28 laps in the pool yesterday. (lost count)
feeling pretty shitty when im done with the swimming, so i signed myself up for some private lessons. hopefully someone can show me what the hell im doing wrong. or at least it will make things a little bit easier.

that should start sometime this week.... i hope.
and my watch should be coming in today! yeah yeah!
Its $200 before shipping. The plan is to have it ready for the march race. I'm going to order it tomorrow. That looks pretty sweet.

I went swimming just now. did 1000 meters. Definitely getting better every time i go. It is so key to swim efficiently. Don't get exhausted as fast therefore you dont need to breath as hard.
i personally like the black frame alot. It will look good with anything and this way you dont have to get red shorts or shoes or anything like that. how much are those framesets? is the bike gonna be ready to go before march 30th? had this bike for $699 including shipping. It's a road bike, but it comes with free aerobars. hmmmm.
Check out these bikes. got a few on really nice discount.

which frame color do you like better?

biked for 54 minutes then two hours later ran 2 miles in 17 min. That run was tough. This shit is going to kick my ass. Ive got a long ways to go in a month and a half.

going swimming today since its so fucking cold.

just went running

Its snowing and really wet outside so that stunk
did 4.7 miles in 44 min
very hilly terrain around here which is good for long term training but makes the numbers suck. I ascended between 600 and 700 feet through the run.
Not to bad considering I walked for maybe 7 or 8 of those minutes.

Hills kick my ass right now, but will make me elite on the flat ground.
muahhhhahahahaha has some good videos of big triathlon events from last year with elite triathletes. They dont change their clothes once through the whole thing. Just the shoes. they are so fast.

these are the shoes i am going to get.
Muay Thai kicked my ass last night so I skipped running this morning, not to mention that it is snowing. I also kinda sorta did something to my lower back last night on the inversion bar. Almost got stuck on there. Was really painful to get off. Never felt any pain like that. Feels a bit better today.

Gonna go running or swimming at lunch today depending on how the weather holds up.
skipped the swimming tonight and went for a run.
4.5 miles in ??? minutes. I need a watch. stat.
it looks to me like the 49 is water resistant to 30 meters (which is plenty) but doesnt have the ability to record split times.

The 89 is resistant to 100 meters, can have two times on the display at once, and does record split times.

I guess it depends on whether or not you want the extra feature of split times and the convenience of having two timers on the display at one time.

the 49 is sufficient, but the 89 is a little more convenient. I personally would get the 89 especially since its only another 10 bucks.


Last night I had to take off to rest. My legs were really tight and I was getting cramping in my calves(definitely did not drink enough water). Went to bed around 10pm though, so that should be a good jump start for anything that goes on tonight.

Steve, do me a favor and see what you think.... I'm trying to decide between two watches. -->
type in WR0084-004 ($39)
type in WR0049-004 ($29)

Not quite sure if the 49 model is water resistant to 100meters, but it looks much thinner than the other. Right now I'm leaning towards the 84 model. If you could, let me know what you think. I don't need any HRM stuff. Just laps and a backlight. Thanks.


ok, first let me say that I am certainly no expert and that i havent run competitively since HS. Jon probably knows alot more about this than I do, but here are some things I always think about when I'm running.

+ when i get tired, my arms and head start to come up. basically your head tilts back and your hands start to hover around your chest area (like a boxer). Try to focus on putting your chin back down (as Buckley used to say "Put your fucking head down!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). Not chin to your chest, but be level headed. The second you lift your head/chin you shift your weight and its harder to run fast and breathe. Youre just using up more energy for nothing. Put your hands around your stomach area.

This technique keeps your weight centered/forward and helps to make it easier when youre tired. It's tough to do at first, but just keep it in mind. Good form = easier running over long distances.

+ regulate hyper-ventilating. If i feel like im gasping for breathe, i just try to calm myself down and breathe in rhythm with every couple strides i take. for everyone or every situation its different, but basically i will breathe in for two steps and then exhale for two steps. Inhale (left, right) exhale (left, right). Sometimes three strides. It's just important to slow your heart rate down and relax. sort of like how pregnant women breathe to control the pain of popping out a kid, you can breathe to lower your heart rate and regulate cramps/pain.

those are the two things i focus on most. I don't know about jon, but I think the head/hand positioning is THE most critical beginner mistake. If you focus on that when youre tired, everything else will get easier.
Mike - can you do me a favor and either find an article or write an article on how to control your breathing during running to control your heart rate.
Jon - feel free to add to this since you are both much better runners than I.
dude who are you kidding? by those numbers you are going to kill me.

check this article out
whoaaaa. im gonna be hurting tomorrow.
5.1 miles in 32 minutes.

hey, dude. go to when you get a chance tomorrow. You can sign in under my name.... i want to show you this thing. very cool. it tracks your runs on google maps. sickkk.

also, post up your workouts so that I know what youre up to. I dont want to be too far behind you on race day, you crazy maniac. plus, im jealous of your watch. i want one.
ok, the cooter area is starting to heal up. man, that shit sucks.

didnt get a chance to look at the results yet, it was a busy day at work.
but got a chance to put in a couple miles.
ran 3.51 miles in 28 minutes. just went for a huge loop around the neighborhood. just gotta keep on tacking on more miles. tomorrow im gonna try to go swimming after work. my goal is to do 3 lap warm up and 17 laps without stopping to catch my breath.

dude, what are you thinking in terms of bicycles?
that sucks. Heal it up quick.

take a look at last years results for the narrow and fat tire divisions.

the narrow tire is definitely more competitive and what I am going to try to get in to. the fat tire is still competitive.

Just so you guys know what my goals are for this race:
1st- as a short term training goal and a form of training in race conditions
2nd - if in narrow time, I am going for a top 25 finish.
if in fat tire, I am going for a top 5 finish.

Now those are lofty goals for me, but I feel I can reach them. Being that you boys are bread to run, then you should be able to meet those as well. Make them your goals and lets run the podium together.

ahhh! my gooch!

dude, definately fucked something up down there. I think it had to do with my seat but im pretty sure i bruised the inside of my legs. its where my leg meets the ass. fucking HURTS.

im thinking its a combo of the following:
+ i didnt get the new seat until i rode all the way to the bike shop (6.5 miles)
+ when they installed the new seat, i think they put it too high up (6.5 miles)

its definitely not blisters, but it hurts. ow.
you guys might find some of these article valuable.
Ran 4.63 miles in 40 minutes this morning.
Biking at lunch time somewhere around 1:30 and 15 miles

Jonny - how are you coming along.

Mike - I read over the weekend that beginning your training on a fixed gear is good for you because it forces you to learn the proper pedaling motion. Just remember to keep your knees in so you use your bigger muscles in your outer thigh and ass.

13 mile ride. new seat (i can feel my gooch again!). new water bottle attached to bike.
it was like 60 degrees out today. fantastic.
just ran a 2 mile run. I think im in deep shit. I feel like crapola.
T-minus a month until the race.
Alright. So I just got word from Bob that these are good shorts and they are cheap, exactly how I like my women.
I'm ordering a pair right now.
Ahhhh nice work Michael. Much better message division.

These are the types of shorts I am talking about

When you ride a bike a lot, you tend to get some chaffage on the bum and that is painful. This is to prevent that. Basically bicycle shorts with a chamois material to move with your tight bod and prevent rubbage between the bum and the saddle.


Ok, so I went swimming again last night. I looked like a wet dog. I could only do 20 laps.

One of my mom's friends at work has a daughter who is a swimmer. In fact, she's pre-olympic. I'm gonna talk to ma-dukes and have her set me up with a couple of private lessons to try to develop some kind of stroke, cause right now, this is just ridiculous. jon, i think that you should let me know when you are available so that we can go together and do a group lesson. I love the group scene. kinky.

Steve, do me a favor and post up a link for the chami-shorts? Thanks budddy.


just pick a different template. thats the only way i found to get those divisions in.


ok, first things first..... let's all make a pact and agree to start using Titles on our posts. unless steve can tell me how to make that
thing go across the screen to break up the posts.

secondly, go to and buy your bicycle.
What the hell are you doing on this blog. Get training.

your loving friend Steve.

Welcome Fellas

First post ever.