whoa. we did an eerily similar workout last night at swimming. I don't know why i dread swimming so much. Before I go, I just HATE the thought of it. Then, once I'm there and settle down after the warm-up, everything goes just fine. I need to take some calm-the-fuck-down pills or something. I have a sickness.
200 warmup
400 drills (w/fins)
3x200 progressively faster (negative splits)
2x100 sprints (85% first 50, 90% second 50)
100 cool down

I think we need to get into the ocean, stat. I want to go to Sports Authority and pick up some fins. Do some body surfing at Long Beach and just get used to the wetstuit+saltwater+waves combo. Depending on the weather, we could try to get into the ocean on saturday instead of the Tri-shop. (however, I'm always down for the motorbikes, should the opportunity present itself) Let's play it by ear, but bring home your wetsuit if you're even the slightest bit interested.

The second pair is the kind we use at swim practice, so I wouldn't mind picking up a pair of the 'Zoomers', i guess they're called. But I can't attest to how well they would work in the ocean.

At this point, I think you have turned into a one-man-running-machine. Even jon is afraid to race you, and he used to be the fastest of all of us in HS. I'm seriously really impressed with your times, dude. I think you could definitely beat 22 minutes. Especially if you were running that 2.4miler so quickly. Tempo runs are the tits, huh?
I don't think I want to set any goals for myself, time-wise, even though subconsciously I'm already having anxiety about it. I'll just go out there and have fun.... I didn't do too much of that in HS, and I don't really want to relive that situation. But, I definitely think you are in the right shape to pound out at least a 22. Let's break it down for you. Any ideas on how you want to split?
1st mile = 8:00
2nd mile = 6:30
3rd mile = 7:30
1st = 7:00
2nd = 7:00
3rd= 8:00
I think you could go......
Mile Race
Ok, and just to shut you up from always saying that you can't run fast, I'm going to insist that we run a mile race on a track by the end of the summer. I am going to rabbit the first 3/4 of the race for you and you are going to run a sub 5:00 mile...... without a problem. I'll get my brother to race it with us too. He could just get off the couch and run a sub-5. He's the craziest of them all.
So there is a triathlon store called SunriseTri (sunrisetri.com) in west babylon. We should go check it out on saturday if we get a chance. We could take the motorbikes.

Went swimming at lunch today. Felt real good. Not good enough yet, but getting there.
200yd warmup
3 x 200yd at race pace. about 2 minute break in between
200 yd breathing every 5 strokes (i normally breath every three)
200 yd breathing every 7 strokes
100 yd cool down

Baby baby

On saturday, I did a tempo run and clocked in about 5.5 miles in 44 min. Then went out for 22 miles at a good pace 20+mph.

Took sunday off.

Will go for a run tonight.

Im coming for you on saturday. haha riggghhht
although I did do a 2.4mile run in 16:33 last week. OK for an overweight portuguese. : ) I just hope getting home late on Friday doesn't kill me for saturday morning.
thats a nice pedal bike.

I got the aero bars on before I went for the ride at lunch. I like them. Not sure if I was able to ride faster or if they made me more tired, but might just take a little getting used to. Might need to move my seat forward a bit too.

I ran a loop I always do as hard as i could last night. 2.4 miles. 16:33. not too shabby for me. 5k in 22 looks achievable. its gonna hurt. but hurt so good when I pass that finish line.
I went to put them on the bike this morning because I am riding today at lunch time, but they dont fit around my fat handle bars. Either need to get longer screws or maybe have the guys in the shop whip up some new brackets for me.

You coming up tonight? the 25th.
I think I'm in love. Its the 2008 Cervelo P2C Ultegra. It only costs $2500 and it comes totally kitted out. I think I might sell my motorcycle and purchase this wonderful thing.

Ok, maybe not. But maybe I will invest in a sick set of Aerobars. Speaking of, did you ever get a chance to put your's on your bike?
yo yo. So i think I'm going to bring my bike up to Beantown this weekend. Let's definately try to get out for a ride, if your down. Does your bro want me to bring up the fixed gear too? It will probably fit with the other one, no problem.

In other news..... I have my mountain bike ready for Jon Martins, did you end up finding your mom's bike for nora? Instead of the mountain bike, we should make jon ride the fixed gear for the whole 42 miles.

and..... break.
you are a motherfucking maniac. I LOVE IT.

you addicted to this yet? The biking is tooo much fun. I'm so happy i bought a bike.
what's the plan for this weekend? Tempo run on saturday? The girls wanted to do a scavenger hunt/pub crawl on saturday. They said you are required to be there, but i didn't want to get their hopes up cause i know you have the family situation this weekend. whats the sched?

also, let's prep the (motor) bikes on saturday morning? no? its over 60 degrees today and it's just supposed to keep getting warmer! oh baby.
27 mile bike in the hills just now. man I feel like im floating right now. going to put in a run tonight as well.
swam monday for about 30 min

yesterday - swam for about 45 minutes. ran 4.2 miles.

more swim today

bike and run tomorrow

swim again on friday

I want to get out in open water. to damn cold though. sucks
busted out 3.5 miles in about 30 min. ma-dukes is in training for the 5k. oh boy.

I have to get that Mountain bike out and ready for this 5 Boro Bike tour. What's the bike situation? Are you getting Nora a bike and I'm getting Jon a bike?
it was about $114, all said and done.
i got the jersey and the jacket on sale, so I was particularly proud of myself. Now all I have to get is some sweet, sweet spandex pants.
Hahaha Sweet. What did that all run you?

Spent the last three days resting because I got sick from the race.
Think I am good now.
Went Biking at lunch. 16.6 miles in 1hr
Put up ~3 mile run tonight
I went bicycle purchasing yesterday. Things that I purchased include:
  1. A sweet blue and black cycling jacket. with pockets on the back. and a special pocket for my ipod.
  2. A even more sweet adidas cycling jersey. with pockets on the back.
  3. Very radical shoe toe covers that can be used during a racing situation. I rode with them yesterday and my toes were very very toasty. Toasty toes. Very nice.

all signed up for the 5 Boro Bike Tour and ready to go. Now I just have to start training for the 40+ miles. oh boy.

PS> let's talk to jon and con him into doing it.