your a bastard. Thats about 10 minutes faster than me.

each lap of the track is a mile?

forced myself to go running tonight. this was the first time with my watch. soo that turned out to be pretty sweet. at least now i know where i stand. i ran to a track (.875mi) and then around the track thrice... and then back (.875mi) continuously without stopping. stretched after the run.
Wanna do a 5 mile run up here on sun. May 18th.

$17 with BBQ after. Check it out.

that is awesome. that sounds like a really solid run. you're keeping track of all of your runs, right? it's cool to look back and see all of the progress you've made as you go along. thats the best part about this blog, don't cha know?

the shitty part is that yesterday, i got home, yet again, after 9:30pm... so I was unable to get a run/swim/bike in. I really can't bring myself to wake up before 5 to go running. I am in some dire need of motivation. I think tonight is gonna be my night to go for a couple miles. I need to get my ass into gear.

PS> i've tried calling jon two or three times, to no avail. I am almost positive he is not gonna be doing the races with us. we might as well drop it. i think you and I are the only two morons/psychos who enjoy this sort of self-inflicted torture.
yo yo had an awesome run (for me) just now. I guess I can consider it my "PBR" as I like to call it (personal best record, not pabst blue ribbon you silly goose).
Here are the details. (man I love this watch)

Total mileage - 5
Total time - 44:50
Avg Pace - 8:58/mi
Avg HR - 166 bpm
Max Pace - 5:50/mi
Max HR - 181 bpm

Break Down:
First Mile (Goal:Warmup) - 9:26
3 Mile Run (Goal: Run in sub 8 min pace) - first half 11:54 @ avg. 7:58/mi
second half 12:41 @ avg. 8:26/mi
Last Mile (Goal:CoolDown) - 10:44

I ran this at work so its pretty hilly terrain which is what made it a lot tougher, but I am improving. I felt pretty good through out the whole run and felt great when I finished. I can actually walk. I know this isn't good by any running standards, but I impressed myself. Sub 7:00/mile here I come. Hopefully by March 30th.

Tonight......... biking.

thats awesome man. just did 1200 meters myself in spurts of 150 meters. next week spurts of 200 meters. were you wearing those sexy trunks?
any pointers you want to give me? hmmmmmmmm
hey. really busy morning.

bike looks awesome. im very jealous. gotta order mine after the next paycheck.
can you hitme up with that link at some point. i'll do it as soon as i get the link. survey and all.
we're a go for this weekend in boston. at least 4 girls + me. we should let darius, clayton and the boys know what's up. i'll call jon-boy during lunch.

got swimming lessons last night! sooo much better. i was able to swim over 1000 meters no problem. amazing what you can do when you fix your stroke and someone is there to push you to swim FASTER! FASTER! FASTER!

PS> i want to get some fins and start bodysurfing when the weather gets nicer. that will be good training for the open-water swim.
I'm signed up. Make sure you complete the survey at the end.
I am signing up for the LI Gold coast Tri right now. Do that shit soon.
Talk to Jon and see if he will do the duathlon.
Shes built. I rode here on the trainer last night and the seat i have on there hurts sooooooo bad. I need a different one.

ahhh i need to take a shit. Ill be back.
swam for 30 minutes today

my bike is in. Its sweet. going to start building it this weekend.
im so excited.

oh p.s. - mens squash upset Denison today 5-4. The worst they can finish now is 20. St Law or Stanford tomorrow. Pretty sick.
yesterday.... all my training seemed so farrrr away.
now it seems like it is hear to say....
oh yesterday... was drunkenly.

i didnt do shit, except for some beer lifts. my elbow/shoulder got a good workout.
just did 15.37 miles on the bike.
burned a whopping 1225 calories.

My bike and parts get in tomorrow. oooooooo baby

you can get that jersey. It aint my style. haha

Race Team Jerseys

Nothing says class like a short sleeved, faux-finish tuxedo shirt.
we NEED to get jerseys like this for our races. NEED.
its an actual cycling jersey with the pockets in the back and the zipper in the front.

Thats not too shabby bro. you still have a long time till the race so dont get nervous yet. As long as your improving. I dont think I can do 28 straight yet. Maybe 10.

The frame is in transit. Should be getting in tomorrow. This bike will cost me, when all is said and done, $300 to $350. Can't complain.
swimming..... 2 lap warm up
28 laps in 17:41. averaging 00:38seconds per lap.

who knows if that's good or bad, but it still means that I haven't yet swam 800 meters continuously. that scares me.

did your bike come in yet?
Take a look at this tri in september.
Hyannis Sprint 2 tri

on the cape
looks legit.

My bike shipped today. yippy.
when you say laps do you mean there and back counts as one? or there and back is two?
did 26-28 laps in the pool yesterday. (lost count)
feeling pretty shitty when im done with the swimming, so i signed myself up for some private lessons. hopefully someone can show me what the hell im doing wrong. or at least it will make things a little bit easier.

that should start sometime this week.... i hope.
and my watch should be coming in today! yeah yeah!
Its $200 before shipping. The plan is to have it ready for the march race. I'm going to order it tomorrow. That looks pretty sweet.

I went swimming just now. did 1000 meters. Definitely getting better every time i go. It is so key to swim efficiently. Don't get exhausted as fast therefore you dont need to breath as hard.
i personally like the black frame alot. It will look good with anything and this way you dont have to get red shorts or shoes or anything like that. how much are those framesets? is the bike gonna be ready to go before march 30th? had this bike for $699 including shipping. It's a road bike, but it comes with free aerobars. hmmmm.
Check out these bikes. got a few on really nice discount.

which frame color do you like better?

biked for 54 minutes then two hours later ran 2 miles in 17 min. That run was tough. This shit is going to kick my ass. Ive got a long ways to go in a month and a half.

going swimming today since its so fucking cold.

just went running

Its snowing and really wet outside so that stunk
did 4.7 miles in 44 min
very hilly terrain around here which is good for long term training but makes the numbers suck. I ascended between 600 and 700 feet through the run.
Not to bad considering I walked for maybe 7 or 8 of those minutes.

Hills kick my ass right now, but will make me elite on the flat ground.
muahhhhahahahaha has some good videos of big triathlon events from last year with elite triathletes. They dont change their clothes once through the whole thing. Just the shoes. they are so fast.

these are the shoes i am going to get.
Muay Thai kicked my ass last night so I skipped running this morning, not to mention that it is snowing. I also kinda sorta did something to my lower back last night on the inversion bar. Almost got stuck on there. Was really painful to get off. Never felt any pain like that. Feels a bit better today.

Gonna go running or swimming at lunch today depending on how the weather holds up.
skipped the swimming tonight and went for a run.
4.5 miles in ??? minutes. I need a watch. stat.
it looks to me like the 49 is water resistant to 30 meters (which is plenty) but doesnt have the ability to record split times.

The 89 is resistant to 100 meters, can have two times on the display at once, and does record split times.

I guess it depends on whether or not you want the extra feature of split times and the convenience of having two timers on the display at one time.

the 49 is sufficient, but the 89 is a little more convenient. I personally would get the 89 especially since its only another 10 bucks.


Last night I had to take off to rest. My legs were really tight and I was getting cramping in my calves(definitely did not drink enough water). Went to bed around 10pm though, so that should be a good jump start for anything that goes on tonight.

Steve, do me a favor and see what you think.... I'm trying to decide between two watches. -->
type in WR0084-004 ($39)
type in WR0049-004 ($29)

Not quite sure if the 49 model is water resistant to 100meters, but it looks much thinner than the other. Right now I'm leaning towards the 84 model. If you could, let me know what you think. I don't need any HRM stuff. Just laps and a backlight. Thanks.


ok, first let me say that I am certainly no expert and that i havent run competitively since HS. Jon probably knows alot more about this than I do, but here are some things I always think about when I'm running.

+ when i get tired, my arms and head start to come up. basically your head tilts back and your hands start to hover around your chest area (like a boxer). Try to focus on putting your chin back down (as Buckley used to say "Put your fucking head down!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). Not chin to your chest, but be level headed. The second you lift your head/chin you shift your weight and its harder to run fast and breathe. Youre just using up more energy for nothing. Put your hands around your stomach area.

This technique keeps your weight centered/forward and helps to make it easier when youre tired. It's tough to do at first, but just keep it in mind. Good form = easier running over long distances.

+ regulate hyper-ventilating. If i feel like im gasping for breathe, i just try to calm myself down and breathe in rhythm with every couple strides i take. for everyone or every situation its different, but basically i will breathe in for two steps and then exhale for two steps. Inhale (left, right) exhale (left, right). Sometimes three strides. It's just important to slow your heart rate down and relax. sort of like how pregnant women breathe to control the pain of popping out a kid, you can breathe to lower your heart rate and regulate cramps/pain.

those are the two things i focus on most. I don't know about jon, but I think the head/hand positioning is THE most critical beginner mistake. If you focus on that when youre tired, everything else will get easier.
Mike - can you do me a favor and either find an article or write an article on how to control your breathing during running to control your heart rate.
Jon - feel free to add to this since you are both much better runners than I.
dude who are you kidding? by those numbers you are going to kill me.

check this article out
whoaaaa. im gonna be hurting tomorrow.
5.1 miles in 32 minutes.

hey, dude. go to when you get a chance tomorrow. You can sign in under my name.... i want to show you this thing. very cool. it tracks your runs on google maps. sickkk.

also, post up your workouts so that I know what youre up to. I dont want to be too far behind you on race day, you crazy maniac. plus, im jealous of your watch. i want one.
ok, the cooter area is starting to heal up. man, that shit sucks.

didnt get a chance to look at the results yet, it was a busy day at work.
but got a chance to put in a couple miles.
ran 3.51 miles in 28 minutes. just went for a huge loop around the neighborhood. just gotta keep on tacking on more miles. tomorrow im gonna try to go swimming after work. my goal is to do 3 lap warm up and 17 laps without stopping to catch my breath.

dude, what are you thinking in terms of bicycles?
that sucks. Heal it up quick.

take a look at last years results for the narrow and fat tire divisions.

the narrow tire is definitely more competitive and what I am going to try to get in to. the fat tire is still competitive.

Just so you guys know what my goals are for this race:
1st- as a short term training goal and a form of training in race conditions
2nd - if in narrow time, I am going for a top 25 finish.
if in fat tire, I am going for a top 5 finish.

Now those are lofty goals for me, but I feel I can reach them. Being that you boys are bread to run, then you should be able to meet those as well. Make them your goals and lets run the podium together.

ahhh! my gooch!

dude, definately fucked something up down there. I think it had to do with my seat but im pretty sure i bruised the inside of my legs. its where my leg meets the ass. fucking HURTS.

im thinking its a combo of the following:
+ i didnt get the new seat until i rode all the way to the bike shop (6.5 miles)
+ when they installed the new seat, i think they put it too high up (6.5 miles)

its definitely not blisters, but it hurts. ow.
you guys might find some of these article valuable.
Ran 4.63 miles in 40 minutes this morning.
Biking at lunch time somewhere around 1:30 and 15 miles

Jonny - how are you coming along.

Mike - I read over the weekend that beginning your training on a fixed gear is good for you because it forces you to learn the proper pedaling motion. Just remember to keep your knees in so you use your bigger muscles in your outer thigh and ass.

13 mile ride. new seat (i can feel my gooch again!). new water bottle attached to bike.
it was like 60 degrees out today. fantastic.
just ran a 2 mile run. I think im in deep shit. I feel like crapola.
T-minus a month until the race.
Alright. So I just got word from Bob that these are good shorts and they are cheap, exactly how I like my women.
I'm ordering a pair right now.
Ahhhh nice work Michael. Much better message division.

These are the types of shorts I am talking about

When you ride a bike a lot, you tend to get some chaffage on the bum and that is painful. This is to prevent that. Basically bicycle shorts with a chamois material to move with your tight bod and prevent rubbage between the bum and the saddle.


Ok, so I went swimming again last night. I looked like a wet dog. I could only do 20 laps.

One of my mom's friends at work has a daughter who is a swimmer. In fact, she's pre-olympic. I'm gonna talk to ma-dukes and have her set me up with a couple of private lessons to try to develop some kind of stroke, cause right now, this is just ridiculous. jon, i think that you should let me know when you are available so that we can go together and do a group lesson. I love the group scene. kinky.

Steve, do me a favor and post up a link for the chami-shorts? Thanks budddy.


just pick a different template. thats the only way i found to get those divisions in.